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The Dog Aging Institute: Advancing Canine Longevity for a Healthier Future

Supporting Research for Healthy Aging

The Institute is actively involved in funding research studies, facilitating collaborations and partnerships, and educating the public, along with fostering projects using a multidisciplinary approach to understand and address the challenges of aging in dogs.

Translating Discoveries for Human Health

While the primary focus of the Institute is to support and fund initiatives focused on improving the health and longevity of dogs, the implications of this type of research extend far beyond the canine world.

For example, the Dog Aging Project, a study supported by the Institute, aims to uncover the biological and environmental factors that contribute to healthy aging in dogs. By studying a large and diverse population of dogs, Dog Aging Project researchers hope to identify key factors that influence longevity and overall well-being. Many age-related diseases and conditions, such as cancer, heart disease, and cognitive decline, affect both dogs and humans. Given our similarities, research that we support has the potential to provide valuable insights into the aging process in both dogs and humans, leading to the development of new interventions and treatments for age-related diseases.

A Future of Longer, Healthier Lives

The Dog Aging Institute is committed to advancing canine aging research. The Institute is working to ensure research into canine age-related diseases and conditions continues well into the future. By supporting The Dog Aging Project and related initiatives, the Institute is paving the way for a future where age is just a number and the bond between dogs and humans remains strong for years to come. For our beloved companions, living healthier lives for longer means more quality time spent with their owners, enhancing overall happiness and the quality of life for everyone!